When I was pregnant with my baby boy, I made the decision to breastfeed him. Let me just say...I knew nothing going into it. Only resting in the fact that my mom breastfed me, and if she could do it, I could do it! I bought all the books, read all the blogs, and stocked up on nursing pads, lanolin and breast-milk storage baggies. I soaked up advice from every girlfriend/cousin/etc. that was willing to give it to me. My husband and I even attended a breastfeeding class at our hospital (yes, he is a saint) and we took notes diligently. I thought I had all the ammo I would ever need.

Since my baby was born, I've had several friends ask for my advice on breastfeeding and I feel like I sometimes give a sugar-coated answer to "encourage" them.

This is what I really wanted to say...

Breastfeeding has been a whirlwind of great latching, not-so-great milk supply, and LOTS of crying (from the both of us)! It's one of the hardest things I've ever done, but has also given me some of the most rewarding, life-affirming moments I've ever had. Breastfeeding my son came with an entire set of challenges that no book or class could have ever prepared me for.....

The first few weeks I felt like he lived on my boob. He would nurse constantly. I never got a break. He wanted to eat every 1-2 hours! But wait, those books said he would nurse approximately every three hours. LIES! ALL LIES! My baby was doing what my doctor called "cluster feeding." Super. Just great. The pediatrician said it was normal, but nothing about this felt "normal." All the while, I wasn't making enough milk to satisfy my hungry little hippo, so we were having to buy formula and supplement. It felt like a slap in the face! I became engorged several times and eventually developed Mastitis. It. Was. Awful.

The sun eventually came out, and one day it all just sort of clicked. It's like your body and your baby just sort of figure it out. It's not easy, but it well worth the sacrifice.

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